There is really something remarkable about finding and following your true self. When I say your true self what I mean is that little voice inside of you that looks at a sunset, or a snowfall and says, yeah I like that! When you follow that voice, when you connect to that part of yourself things just seem to fall in place they just fit together.

In her book Escape from Cubicle Nation (, Pamela Slim talks about keeping a journal of the things that you enjoy the things that make you smile and make you happy and make you laugh. So that you can understand your true self. That's why I really admire entrepreneurs because they seem to have connected with their true self. For many small business owners building their business is literally building their dream.

I'd like to hear about how building your dream was building your business. And when did you start following that little voice in your head that said "this is possible"? I need some inspiration?

So use the comment space below, I'm interested to hear what you have to say about this.

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Ok so I’m not a world renowned economist, I don’t’ work on Wall Street, I work on main street. Well actually I work on a cul-de-sac just off Main Street. I’m home based and proud.

Although my company Aspirant Bookkeeping (shameless plug) has a physical mailing address most of the work is done in my home office (this is not my office but I thought it was a cool set up). I’m one of millions of Americans who are literally taking work home (that’s the last pun I promise).

Last week I saw a report that 55% of American workers disliked their current job. Now this week I read on Inc. that 15 million people have home based businesses. They were quoting a report released last October by Network Solutions, a Herndon, Virginia-based online marketing firm. So the key thing about these 15 million home businesses was that many had at least one employee (translate – increased jobs).

Ok so my official prediction is that the big companies won’t hire enough people for fear of a slow growing economy but the Home Based Biz will grow incredibly to pick up the slack. So trust me I haven’t been wrong all day.

So what do you think? Am I wrong?